Jewell came over a few weeks ago to pick me up. We had been planning to go to a nightclub, but our plans changed very abruptly. When she arrived she was wearing the same dress as I was!! Hers was blue and mine was black, but I had no intention of going out on the town looking like a pair of dipshits who wore matching clothes. She assured me it would be fine, and I told her she was a complete fucking imbecile. You would have thought I'd thrown excrement in her face by the way she went COMPLETELY NUTS. She forced me to the ground, ripped all my clothes off, stomped her heel into my bare crotch, choked me.....I don't even want to think about it anymore. The evidence is in the gallery at www.JackOffLand.com if you have a strong stomach and want to look at it. Don't let the little-girl voice fool you, Jewell is one lady who does not take insults lightly.
- XXOO Tanya
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